
Name: Amin, Paresh

Country: unknown


- Matches played: 6

- First match on: 2023-04-20

- Current rating: 1005

- Highest rating: 1005 on 2024-09-19T00:00:00.000Z

- Current ranking: 650

- Highest ranking: 362 on 2019-05-02

- Lowest ranking: 1739 on 2017-01-07

- Win percentage: 0

- Current streak: 6 losses

- Best winning streak: on

DateLocationOppositionOutcomePre Match RatingPoint ChangePost Match Rating
2023-04-21Zurich Classic of New OrleansThompson, Michael100231005
2023-04-21Zurich Classic of New OrleansSchmid, Matthias100201002
2023-04-21Zurich Classic of New OrleansFrittelli, Dylan1003-11002
2023-04-20Zurich Classic of New OrleansThompson, Michael99941003
2023-04-20Zurich Classic of New OrleansSchmid, Matthias9990999
2023-04-20Zurich Classic of New OrleansFrittelli, Dylan1000-1999